TL's lifting procedures
There are three main lifting procedures in TL anti-aging and lifting Center
We have Power V
Power V Lift is to create defined V line shaped face without bone surgery. The excessive fats around the jaw line and cheeks as well as underneath the chin will be performed through liposuction and in addition use of accusulpt laser and HIFU ultrasound of 1444mm wavelength will dissolve extra fats also at the same time with pulling SMAS layer it enhances skin elasticity as well as lifting effect.
Power Pull SMAS Lfiting
Power Pull SMAS Lifting is Dr Jung YeonHo’s own know-how to pull the SMAS layer intensely with extra fixation inside of the scalp which allows a long lasting semi permanent lifting effect.Power Pull SMAS Lifting is performed through minimum incision along the ear cartilage and adds extra lifting effect by use of special thread which creates smaller and sharp face line with younger appearance.
TL LAFiT(Loop And Fixation Thread lift)The addition of Dr Jung YeonHo’s know-how and special thread Elasticum(elastic band) maximizes its natural and effective lifting result. TL LAFiT is use of elasticum and dissolvable threads, the elasticum is work as new facial ligament with natural movements. It performs effective result as face lift and provides lifting effect on the fat away from the incision site.
TL Anti-aging and Lifting Center
For consultation:
[Director/Dr] Jung YeonHo
[Consultant] Christina Cha
[Whats app] +821084637667
[Kakao] tllifting
[Line] tllifting
[BBM] D60CD125
[Zalo] +821084637667
[Tel] +82)10-8463-7667
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